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Target Presale

The following information is typical for any Target Presale for any artist. If there are any changes to the way Target runs their presales, we will update this page. If you find any of this info on this page to be in error, please let us know.

For access to a Target presale, you typically have to purchase the latest CD for the artist the presale is for. When you make this purchase at Target, your CD will have a presale password in it. There is no other way to get this password.

In addition, the passwords are unique, meaning they only work once. It is typically a code of random numbers and/or letters. This differentiates Target presales from others that use generic presale passwords like the artists name or the name of a song.

If you do not wish to purchase the album at Target for some reason, you have two options.

1. You can hold off for now and hope that there is another presale, or simply wait for the public on sale. We will have updates on any non Target presales that happen for most major acts. You can download our ticket toolbar to get updates on new presales instantly.

2. You can skip the whole Target process and just get presale tickets by doing a search here.

Good luck!

I hope this answers all of your questions about the Target presales. If you have more, you can of course just ask.

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