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American Express Presale

With so many American Express presale events, we thought we would publish information on how to access them once, so you can gain access to tickets and we don't have to keep repeating ourselves.

If you would like more detailed information on the particular event presale you are seeking, please go to our home page and browse listings, use the search box at the top of this page or look for the artist label on the right hand side of this page.

So, here is the skinny on American Express presales:

The password is (or at least it has been for the last couple of years) AMEX or the 800 number on the back of your card. Type either of these presale passwords into the American Express presale password box. This will give you access to the presale, but you are still not done meeting requirements. You also need to pay for the tickets with an American Express card or else Ticketmaster will not process your order.

Please also note that these passwords will only work for American Express presales. Often, there will be multiple presales, and hence multiple passwords for one concert. If you try to enter either of these passwords in a different box (i.e. fan club presale, radio presale, venue presale, etc.) it will NOT work.

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN American Express CARD, you unfortunately cannot access the presale, but have two other options:

1. Wait for another presale to happen a bit later in the week, as sometimes happens. Those passwords are typically available through our site. You can get instant updates on them by downloading our Ticket Toolbar.

2. Skip the waiting and just buy presale tickets now, by doing a search here.

Good luck!

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