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Keith Urban Presales Today

Click for 2009 Keith Urban presale password information. The information below is for previous years.

Keith Urban is putting on presales through his fan club today. It's refreshing to see the Keith Urban type of system in place - one that allows you to get presale tickets without having to sign up for something way in advance or having to win a lottery.

Here's how it works - if you are already a member of the Keith Urban Fan Club, you probably know already that you only need to log in to get your unique presale password.

If you are not a member, you don't need to go join. Just try to buy tickets right off the ticketmaster page, choosing the option that adds the $20 membership for the Keith Urban Fan Club. Doing this means you actually get to see your tickets first - before you pay for them or the fan club membership. If you don't like the tickets, don't buy them and you just saved yourself $20!

Remember, presale tickets are not always the best in the house. Every fan club has to lobby the venue and promoter for good seats. Bands like U2 and Elton John pretty get to choose their seats, but 90% of the bands that come to your town don't have as much say. So if you don't get tickets during the presale, don't sweat it!

If you do not want to pay the $20 but still want to try to get presale tickets, you can! Most cities will have a second Ticketmaster presale on Friday. If you subscribe to the MyYahoo or MyMsn feeds to the right, you will get the passwords and other information delivered right to your desktop!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dont bother going for the fan club presale, the seats are awful. everybody in the fanclub is up in arms about how bad of tickets they left us, just giving you a heads up.