We will update the list at the bottom of this page every time we discover ticket drops or late releases for the New York Yankees. A ticket drop refers to the situation when tickets for a sold out event like a concert or game become available. This happens for various reasons.
For the New York Yankees, late release tickets often happen several times leading up to a game. We will track as many of them as we can and let you know as they happen. This is another good reason to subscribe to the Ticket Horde site!
Yankee games against the Red Sox and Mets are typically sold out almost immediately after going on sale and are the hardest to get, so we will check those events frequently.
To be notified when Yankees vs Red Sox and Yankees vs Mets tickets become available for face value, you can download the Ticket Toolbar, subscribe to our newsletter, or just bookmark us. Don't forget to tell your friends too so they can help you get Yankee tickets at face value when you are not around.
Please note, tickets may alternate between sold out and available throughout the day, so keep trying.
Some tickets have recently been released for Yankees vs. Red Sox at Yankee Stadium 4/15/2008. 3/21/2008
Some tickets have recently been released for Yankees vs. Red Sox at Yankee Stadium 4/16/2008. 3/21/2008
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